
Any ADP set up peop...
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Any ADP set up people available?

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Looking for someone to help the last of the set up for GL imports. Our wonderful HR manager didn't have much guidance and they began this before I was working at this company. We need just a couple pay codes or items to match just 5 GL codes and check the rest to see that it looks like what we want. We will be onboarding additional franchise locations into their own company codes in ADP so there would be future work to get set up correctly.

We've gone the entire 4th quarter plus January with no GL imports, in our main company there are so many classes it would take far too much time to do it manually every payroll. I am catching up far too much from the previous accountant (lack of one) to learn ADP at this time of year. 

If someone knew ADP I would think including some consulting to see what we want and what we have, this could be completed in less than a day +/-. This company has been wonderful to work for and I can't fault them for not doing better at set up as they had no guidance other than ADP who dropped the ball completely on the GL import.

Thank you, my cell is 385-259-3260 and my email is or
