Bookkeeping Tips

Here’s how your free Bookkeeping Tips can help you on the job.

And you get other practical, useful Tips–such as:

  • When unsubstantiated expenses can be estimated from credit card statements
  • When the IRS can deem the bookkeeper a “responsible person” liable for unpaid employment taxes
  • How to grow a freelance bookkeeping practice
  • When to capitalize, when to expense
  • Greeting cards can be a business deduction—with proper documentation
  • Key year-end/year-beginning due dates

. . . and more. Each Tip is practical—easy to apply.

You get one on-the-job bookkeeping tip or technique each week.

And even though every bookkeeping tip includes everything you need to use it on the job—you also get the IRS rule, reg, tax code section or court case for reference.

To make sure you miss nothing, Bookkeeping Tips gives you a 10-question bookkeeping quiz once a month so you can test your knowledge.

AIPB Bookkeeping Tips are so useful, many subscribers save them in a notebook for reference:

Best of all, your Bookkeeping Tips are free.

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