Personal Web Site URL:
Job Function Sought:
Type of Position:
Full-Time Permanent
Job Level: Experienced with over 2 years experience
Preferred Method of Contact: Email
Are you a Certified Bookkeeper : Yes
Desired Industry: Construction
Desired Job Location: Texas
Availability Date: September 5, 2023
Desired Annual Salary and Bonus: 0
Highest Degree Attained: High School/Equivalent
Willing to Relocate: No
Willing to Travel: Yes, Less Than 25%
Ideal Company Size (# of employees): A Diva's Bookkeeping Svc LLC
Ideal Company Description:

To build a client base for my bookkeeping and tax service. This will enable our business to hire more women like me. Benefits of flexible schedule and remote work. To allow them the freedom for valuable time to spend with their families.

Most Recent Employer: Self Employed
  • Freelance Bookkeepers
  • Updated 1 year ago

To contact this candidate email

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