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Full charge Bookkeeper and Payroll Specialist

Houston area, TX

Job Function Sought:
Freelance Bookkeeper
Type of Position:
Job Level: Management (Manager, Director)
Preferred Method of Contact: Email
Are you a Certified Bookkeeper : Yes
Desired Industry: Service industry
Desired Job Location: Remote
Availability Date: October 1, 2022
Highest Degree Attained: Masters
Willing to Relocate: No
Willing to Travel: Yes, Less Than 25%
Ideal Job Description:

Full charge bookkeeper and Payroll specialist. - Taking your bookkeeping from setup to Tax filing.
I am proficient in Quick-books. I can work short term to fill in a position to keep your business running smoothly, or longer depending on your needs. I can perform Accounts payable, accounts receivable, monthly reconciliation, as well as new accounting setup or clean up.

Ideal Company Size (# of employees): under 50 employees

Working with small businesses to allow them to do what they do best, and having me to take care of the financial side.

I live in the Houston, TX area and am available to work on a contract basis in a remote capacity, or hybrid if you are in the Houston area.  I have a MBA and several years of full cycle accounting, and payroll experience.  I am not a CPA, but I have a working relationship with a CPA, or I can work with your CPA.

My resume is available for viewing.  If you would like to discuss further, let me know.



MBA at Baker College

Masters in Business Admin with focus on Accounting and Human Resources


Bachelors degree at Louisiana State University (LSU)

Bachelors degree in Business Management

  • Bookkeepers, Freelance Bookkeepers
  • Updated 3 years ago

To contact this candidate email

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