Berman and Sons, LTD

Berman and Sons, LTD
Berman and Sons, LTD

Full charge bookkeeper with public accounting experience in all aspects of small business accounting and taxes. Flex hours and 3-day weekends in the summer.

Contact Name:
Berman and Sons, LTD
Certified Bookkeeper preferrable: Yes
Type of Company:
Years of Experience Required: 5+
Starting Date:


Education Required:

Prefer EA license or CPA certificate. At least some college courses in accounting and/or tax

Job Benefits and Options:
Health/Dental BenefitsPaid Holidays, Vacations, and Sick LeaveCasual Dress401k, Retirement and/or Pension PlanFlex Time
Necessary Qualifications:
Hands On Experience With Excel
Able to Prepare Payroll/Payroll Fed & State Quarterly/Yearly Tax Returns
Experience with other Accounting Software
Experience with Quick Books
Number of Employees:
Less than 10
Company Profile (limit 300 words):

Established in 1958. Provide bookkeeping, accounting, consulting and tax services to small businesses and individuals.