As a bookkeeper can anyone tell me how they handle the responsibility of sales tax returns for their clients? I have a client whose retail store uses a software for their purchasing and retail business and I do the books out of QB. I run a sales tax report from the retail store side of things to get a monthly sales tax collected and pull out what is personal use and file the return as best I can. I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with the responsibility of filing these returns based on the information I'm getting from the reports as I don't work in that system. The owner of the business doesn't look at them and puts it on me to file. Any advice on how to make sure I'm filing these as accurate of possible and how to avoid the responsibility if they get audited and these returns end of having errors and penalties...please help. Thanks in advance. How do I cover myself from liability?? Thanks in advance! 🙂
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19/11/2019 2:32 pm