Your members-only General Ledger newsletter

Here’s just a sampling of what you get each month:

Get the latest bookkeeping and payroll rules, regs and procedures.
IIn minutes, you pick up the latest rules for booking company credit card bills that include an employee’s personal charges . . . what are paid v. unpaid hours (70% of employers do not know) . . . when to capitalize v. expense repairs . . . when to withhold or not withhold on bonuses, gifts, prizes and awards . . . and more.
Keep current on recordkeeping rules and techniques—such as:
How to book: capital v. operating leases at signing, then each month . . . year-end adjusting entries for prepaid (deferred) expenses and unearned (deferred) revenue . . . costs for lost v. damaged assets . . . and more.
You get time- and money-saving tables—such as:
Fringe-benefits chart: What goes where on the W-2, 941 and 940 . . . State-by-state rules for a final paycheck . . . State-by-state rules for what you must put on employee pay stubs . . . Where to find that source document or original transaction . . . and more.
You get practical tips, such as:

  • How to save the company money—and IRS hassles—reimbursing home-office expenses
  • What hours you must pay for travel time—how to cut costs
  • How to withhold on employee personal use of company vehicles
You sharpen your skills with a Bookkeeper’s Quiz in each issue:
Are you up to date? This Quiz will tell you.
You get a monthly payroll-tax deposit calendar reminder.
Deposit dates for all semiweekly and monthly depositors. . . and more