Join now and receive 4 exclusive reports FREE:

How to:
- Post returned checks
- Withhold from car allowances
- Know when to take, or refuse, a prompt-payment discount
- Record checks made out to cash
- Prove expenses if canceled checks are lost
- Correct W-2 errors the easy way
- Prepare internal income statements
- Set up successful collection calls
Plus: Often overlooked overtime pay rules under the new law.
- Who must be paid overtime
- There is no overtime pay for these hours
- Include these payments in overtime pay computations
- Do paid days off count as hours worked?
- When you can use comp time
And more.

Put key changes at your fingertips:
- Change #1: : Post-pandemic rules for work-at-home or hybrid v. at-the-office.
- Change #3: Maximizing employees’ work-at-home tax deductions.
- Change #7: When to take the standard mileage v. actual expenses deduction for cars.
- Changes #10: More states enacting laws to enable employee “Earned Wage Access” (EWA).
- Change #12: New state freelancers’ rights law may spread to other states.
- Change #15: Caution for bookkeepers who sign checks.
- Change #19: Your QB reports do not substantiate company expense deductions.
- Change #20: Bookkeepers’ liability for employment taxes.
And more.

How to protect yourself
- if you sign company checks
- if you withhold taxes on paychecks
- against liability for company loans
- against liability for company notes
- against liability for retirement plans
- against inadvertent disclosure
How to protect your company or client
- 9 easy ways to prevent bad check losses
- 5 ways to protect company bank accounts and other cash
- 12 policies that prevent fraud
- 15 signs that employees are stealing
And more.